Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Birthers Say Obama is Forging Long Form Birth Certificate

Talk about aliens having babies and stuff.

Here's a new one from the Birthers, who no matter what proof was given would ever accept the fact that Obama was born in the U.S. They now are preparing for the event in which Obama presents a long-form birth certificate (I don't know why he would and I'm not sure the state of Hawaii even issues them), by saying he's in the process of forging it. The Birthers have been demanding the long-form certificate. As much as I've read I don't think there is any rational reason as to why they prefer the long form-- the key word is "rational." 

It's an interesting study on mass delusion that I've been following since the campaign. Even conservatives have called for the Birthers to stop with their silliness. The irony of all this is Birthers call themselves Christians, when they are the antithesis of Christian. The Birthers apparently have "sources who say:"
“Don’t know about 9/11 conspiracy, but do know from DC source that an Administration team is working on perfecting a forgery of the long-form birth certificate. They plan on presenting it in a a month or so. The source is FBI agent who has drinking buddy from University of Illinois now in the Administration. Its second hand, but the source is supposed to be solid.

They have already prepared the forgery with special paper and ink. The document was printed on a fully functional 1960 Heidelberger printing press located at a print museum in Toronto. Access was arranged by a trustee of the museum who is connected to a large Canadian banking/investment firm with major US interests.” CW