Monday, April 20, 2009

The Handshake That Made Republicans Wail

Could you hear it today? The screech heard around the world--Obama shook Hugo Chavez's hand.
A bunch of predictable republicans complaining that the U.S. is weaker because Obama was friendly with Hugo Chavez.
We voted out that line of thinking.
Diplomacy is the new way now Republican Boys, not bullying, not cowboy charades, not we're better than you.
Here is the dumbest thing I read all day--Shake hands but don't smile:
David Gergen, CNN's senior political analyst, said Obama is trying to make good on that pledge.

"I think most political advisers would tell the president, you know, it's fine to shake hands, hold the smiles," he said, adding that the gesture shows some inexperience on Obama's part.

"What the real test here is going to be in policies and in the actions. And I think Barack Obama has to somehow make a balance between being open, reaching out and also not surrendering or retreating on basic American principles and on showing some toughness," Gergen said.

William Bennett, a CNN contributor and Republican strategist, agreed it's too early to tell if anything has changed.

"Image is one thing. Reality is another. Substance is another. Things that need to get accomplished is another. That will be the test," Bennett said. Read the whole thing at CNN
Mole Man Dick Cheney got into the act too. What a despicable man he is. He ought to be in a prison cell. I loathe Cheney. Could you tell?
Former Vice President Dick Cheney told Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity that President Obama’s handshake with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez “was not helpful” and could lead “foes” of the U.S. to “think they're dealing with a weak president.” Politico
Of course Newt, just turned Catholic, had to throw in his two cents. Here is a montage: