Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Obama Talks Tax Reform on Tea Party Day

The White House apparently got a special delivery today:
The suspicious package at the White House has been cleared, BNO News confirms. AP reports it appears to be a box of tea bags.
There are tea parties and then there are tea parties, the ones full of paranoid people who are calling for taking down the "socialist" government. Nothing wrong with protesting the bailouts and taxes but that seems to be a guise. What they're really protesting is Obama and what they view as "socialism."
But it seems to me, the reason the tea parties have taken off is because of the pushback from the left. The left hasn't been able to stop talking about the tea parties, which has helped advertise the tea parties.
When Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls the tea parties astro turf-- as opposed to grass roots-- that's going to make a lot of people mad. If the left kept quiet, we wouldn't have so many tea parties today.

Meanwhile, Obama talks about reforming the tax system, largely to deaf ears.
Swamp: President Barack Obama, vowing today to make good on a promise to simplify income taxes, maintained that tax relief which his administration already has won in its early months is helping to revive the economy.

On the day that looms as an expensive deadline for many Americans, the closing day for filing of income tax returns, the president delivered a speech near the White House to tout tax breaks that he has won and the reform he still promises.

"We need to simplify a monstrous tax code that is far too complicated for most Americans to understand, but just complicated enough for the insiders who know how to game the system,'' the president said.

This mid-day address was intended as not only an appeal to the tax-paying public on a widely loathed "Tax Day,'' but also a message aimed at Congress - where Republicans are railing at the president for big spending and budget deficits. The spending, Obama argues, is a necessary stimulus to revive the economy. The deficit, he promises, will be cut in half. And tax relief, he says, already is on the way.

Tea Party or anti Obama? I know Rush Limbaugh likes to tie the two together -- anti Obama means a successful U.S. to Rush and his followers. I'm sure some of these people are mad about bailouts, while others, the ones that hate groups are targeting, have an irrational hate and fear of Obama. It makes me sad that so many people are so stupid: