Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rendell and Schwarzenegger on This Week Feb. 21

Both governors agree that the stimulus worked. The problem for states is what happens when the stimulus dries up. Will there be enough private sector jobs to boost local and state economies?
Both agree that the worst is over.
Both governors agree that more infrastructure spending is needed.
Schwarzenegger says the tea party is an expression of dissatisfaction and anger, but he says tea party is not going anywhere.

Watch the roundtable here. George Will says that CPAC was the "hour of the entertainer." Arianna and George Will, two peas in a pod as far as representing the extremes, agree that all the talk about partisanship is a joke. That's because they don't believe in bipartisanship, they don't believe in compromise. PARTISAN PEOPLE DON'T BELIEVE IN BIPARTISANSHIP. Arianna uses a lame example of freeing half the slaves. I'm so sick of Arianna, who uses poor partisan logic.