Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tea Party Factions Debate Fiscal and Social

NPR offers two tea party perspectives (listen below) but if you listen closely, they're very much aligned. They've always been aligned, yet the media have been slow to discover that.
The fiscal faction is socially conservative (no different than many republicans), but doesn't focus on social issues, even though they pray before meetings are against abortion, believe in a creator and are against gay marriage.
The other faction also is fiscally conservative but they say you can't have good government without a focus on "social values," which it defines as: "resisting the homosexual agenda," "belief in a creator" and the "right to life."
I'm betting you wouldn't find a single tea partier opposed to the social issues spelled out in that manner. In reality, the tea party people are socially conservative. Social issues are just on the back burner right now, despite any protest otherwise. In the tea party, "social values" are understood and are not beliefs that need to be spoken.
Those who are strictly fiscally conservative, without being mired in social issues, are libertarians. Frankly, it would be interesting to see a tea party types actually try to lead when faced with the reality of governing. Would they melt? Fall apart? Buck up? Hillary Clinton (watch):
Getting elected will bring candidates propelled by the tea party “down to earth,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in an interview on Thursday.

"Well, I've seen a lot of people run for office and say a lot of things, and then when they have the burden of holding office and the responsibility that goes with it," Clinton said, "I've seen them become very sobered, very quickly, about the challenges we face domestically and internationally.” Politico