Sunday, March 04, 2012

Super Tuesday Meet the Press 2012

David Gregory lets Newt vomit all over the place. I don't think Gregory had a choice. Furthermore, it's clear that none of the republicans actually listened to Sandra Fluke's testimony.
Re: Rush Limbaugh's apology, I don't think anyone was looking for an apology. Since he's one of the nastiest people on the planet, people were looking for him to be fired. Limbaugh's comments were just one of many in his career, based on a daily dose of fear mongering and hate.
Oh look, republicans are getting scared of their big fat mess, Eric Cantor endorses Mitt Romney. It's looking more like Romney is the GOP's sacrificial lamb, the one they sent out to lose to Obama. No qualified republicans got in the race because they didn't want to be the one to lose to Obama. Let's get Mitt.
Surprisingly, Cantor's smugness level appears to have decreased a notch or two.
Cantor says Obama is "hostile" to fossil fuels. When republicans say that, people need to keep in mind republicans are brought to you by the oil and gas industry.
Besides, it's not true that Obama is hostile to fossil fuels. Fact is, domestic oil production is UP under Obama. Environmentalists will tell you they wish the Obama administration was hostile to fossil fuels. Obama's no dummy. He knows we need bridge fuels. He also knows that we need to develop alternative energies at a faster pace.