Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Romney and Rudy Pretend to Deliver Pizza to Firefighters

Not politicizing the anniversary of the day the 9-11 mastermind was killed, Romney and former New York 9-11 Mayor Rudy Guiliani pretend to deliver pizzas to firefighters (photos of Romney & Rudy unloading pizza in the arms of an aide). Wouldn't it have been easier to just deliver the pizzas?

The comments on NY mag's site are pretty funny: "Mitt to the firemen; ""I'm not sure about this pizza. They don't look like you made them. No, no. They came from the local Godfather's, or whatever.""

"Mitt, using his robot finger nails to cut slices, shamelessly took 25% for himself from all slices."

"Jesus, even the pizza gets to ride in the car. Poor Seamus."

Here is what Mitt Liar Face (I can do anything Obama can do) actually said about Pakistan and bin Laden when he was running for the GOP nomination the first time:
"I do not concur in the words of Barack Obama in a plan to enter an ally of ours... I don't think those kinds of comments help in this effort to draw more friends to our effort," Romney told reporters on the campaign trail. Obama on Wednesday said if elected president in November 2008 he would be willing to launch military strikes against al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan with or without the approval of the Pakistani government of President Pervez Musharraf.

"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will," Obama said.

Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who is one of the Republican front-runners, said U.S. troops "shouldn't be sent all over the world." He called Obama's comments "ill-timed" and "ill-considered."

"There is a war being waged by terrorists of different types and nature across the world," Romney said. "We want, as a civilized world, to participate with other nations in this civilized effort to help those nations reject the extreme with them."

"No, I think I said the same thing as [Joe Biden], which was it was naive of the president to announce he would go into Pakistan," Romney said..
Romney doesn't seem to know that you can google just about anything.

As ThinkProgress points out, the U.S. wasn't certain bin Laden was in the compound. That was not a known unknown. Not only that, Joe Biden and Bob Gates, then Secretary of Defense, opposed Obama on the raid. Romney's politicizing this issue because he has no other options.